News > Thank you for coming

Saskia returned to the classroom to inspire IB Biology students and her teacher Mr Fitt about her PhD subject: The impact of novel diagnostics on infe… More...

Our school birthday in January was a wonderful Reunion for Class of 2009 and a really Big Sing! More...

Class 1959 to 1966 met for tea on Saturday 5 October, organised by Jean Thompson nee Riley More...

Our alumni ambassadors at the Sixth Form Open Evening this week. More...

We had lots of laughs over tea and scones and even made time to plan a network event in Streatham. More...

On 6 November 2018, over 70 alumni, governors joined the current school community to celebrate the life of Miss Mitchener and her service to the Schoo… More...

Lovely catchup Delicious cake!

Some of our gathered friends had not been back to school since they left in the 1950’s. More...

Class reunion 1968 to 1975

The reunion for 1968 to 1975 in November buzzed with chatter from the 30 or so attendees! More...